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Writer's pictureAlexandra Five

Razzle Dazzle Guide

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

the ultimate guide, best tools, and practices for making your life more outrageous

Important Items


Finally can use the phrase "the glue that keeps things together" in the most literal sense. In order to take on a rhinestone project, you need not just any glue, but the right glue that will keep the Razzle Dazzle together.

What you do NOT want:

1. A weakling: a glue that does not put up the good fight in holding onto the stones. As you have seen, most of the things that I have rhinestoned are not just sitting in place. They go in my purse, I wear them during daily activity, or the purpose of the object requires being physically touched frequently.

2. A foggy residue: you think you are doing the right thing by buying what seems like the strongest glue at the store for your project. What you may not realize is certain superglues simply can't handle the razzle-dazzle. With some superglues (AVOID: Gorilla Glue, The Original Superglue, etc.) once they dry down they can appear foggy and/or textured. Inevitably, some of the glue gets onto the stones and that will block the shimmer of the stone. Before you think "I'll just rub it down with water or GooGone", don't. It does not work and the GooGone will weaken the adhesive.

With those two things in mind, my ultimate go-to, and the trusted choice of dance moms everywhere: E6000. The dry down is perfect, the hold is unmatched, and when working with it, it is very forgiving (you can shimmy things around a bit before things get set in stone... ha, get it? stone? rhinestone?)

Another great glue is Gem-Tac. This one is easier to work as it takes longer to dry, providing forgiveness on moving stones around a bit. I have found the lasting grip on the stones to be weaker than E6000, and when I used this on a sunglasses project stones were flying off left and right. If you choose this glue, use it on objects that will be stationary, not heavily touched.

Pickup & Placement Tool

Learn from me and my mistakes, do not stoop to using a chopstick or skewer stick and FOR SURE don't use your fingers. These dual-ended applicators are the magic wand of rhinestoning. One end is a wax cone, ideal for picking up crystals, and the other is a fine metal tip. I find when working with E6000 that if I get a tiny bit of glue on the metal end, I can use it just as well as the cone.


Each project will call for a different color and sized stone. Do not feel pressure to buy the most expensive rhinestone you can find for the ultimate shimmer pay-off. I have used Swarvoski on a few projects and, yes, the shimmer is insane, but I've also had incredible shine from, and am loyal to, a bulk glass set that I will link to my other projects below.

What even is the difference? Great question, gorgeous. It is all boils down to the % of lead in the stone. Swarvoski Crystals are true "crystals", then there are glass (less expensive, amazing quality and no, they do not "shatter"), plastic, and acrylic. I have a couple of items I have gone with Swarvoski due to the value of the item and my personal investment in the project. But for 90% of projects I suggest glass stones for the price point, value, shimmer pay off, and the fact that you'll have replacements left over for the losery stones that fall off over time.


Project #1: Airpod Case

No rhyme or reason for the stone size or placement, I just went with my gut and loved the outcome. I used the super affordable, and SUPER great value set of Clear Glass Stones (2000 count) and can honestly say I have not noticed even one missing despite having been in my backpack and purse on many occasions.

Time to complete: This was one of my very first projects... so this took me 10 hours or so. I also did this one with a wooden skewer stick... if I had my magic wand I bet it could've been a 6-hour project. Non-beginners: this could be a 2 hour project.

Project #2: Airpod Max Covers

For this project, I used Swarvoski Crystals as I know that the most activity these will experience is a walk. These are $$$ headphones, and I knew I wanted to get a cover for the base of the headphones. Once I saw I had the chance to get clear, I also knew immediately that I wanted to cover them with gems. I started on a different, more expensive set of covers (using Gorilla Glue like an idiot, and cheaper stones, a true first draft) and am pleased to announce the cheaper pair of covers is exactly the same in terms of thickness, durability, and protection.

As you can see from the photo, I used the same sized stone throughout (ss20) and did the perimeter of the case first, going in one row at a time until I had a square-like gap left in the center where I then worked in rows.

Time to complete: About 45 minutes per ear case/1 episode of Handmaids Tale per case.

Project #3: Instax Mini Cameras (COMING SOON)

Project #4: Canon Digital Camera (COMING SOON)

Project #5: Electric Lighter (COMING SOON)

Project #6: Light Switch Cover (COMING SOON)

Project #7: Polaroid Now Camera (COMING SOON)

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